Friday, October 30, 2009

Tattums Birthday

Tattums Birthday chocolate cake and a sucker!! Yummmm.... Tattum is doing great now! He has started to learn a few words too! My baby is growing up I hate it!!

Boys Birthday!

The boys had lots of fun with all of their friends.. we had a Spiderman Bounce House which was a huge hit! Nanna came to town for the party too which they loved! The cake didn't really turn out the way I had planned and has a bit of a story itself.... my mom would love to tell of you what happened I am sure but I am not so big on the idea.. Hope you enjoy! I have more pictures but can't figure out how to do a slide show.... so just look on my facebook page... lol

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Catching up

To catch everyone up to date. Porter has been receiving services through a local place out here for his Autism. It has been very interesting to see how well he is responding to it all. Although his violence increased a bit to begin with, it has gotten so much better lately. With the exception of his supper long days when he is really tired. He is not sure how to express himself and lashes out a bit. We have been taught though how to safely put him in a "basket hold" which keeps him safe and everyone else safe!

Porter also started Kindergarten this year! He loves it! Every day he wants to go to school. It took him a couple of days to learn his teachers name and not call her "Ms. Kindergarten" The very first day he thought he was going home at lunch time and put up a bit of a fight. When the teachers got him in the cafeteria and gave him chocolate milk everything was ok and he was ready to stay at school.... He is loving his Mommy's lunches! I make a spongebob sandwich or a Thomas the train sub.. and many other fun things for his lunch. Apparently everyone has to come and see his lunch before he eats it...

Keaton has started Pre School. He is really enjoying his school as well. He doesn't understand why he has to wait until after lunch to go to school. I told him mommy needs his help and the smarty replied with "mommy. I am sorry I can't help you I have to go learn you need to learn to do this on your own I am going to be late!" He is a huge laugh all the time always something smart to say. The other day he wanted to eat lunch with dad I told him Dad doesn't eat until later in the day his reply "Mom... Dad can eat early for one day it won't hurt him you know!" Keaton seems to to think it is his job to feed and keep his baby brother company.... which is a huge help as long as he is gentle......

Tattum is really growing!! yeayyy..... He is 10 months old now at 14 lbs. He can sit up do a military crawl.. and say hi and bye. He recently had ear tubes put in and is really loving being able to hear everyone.... All the boys are taking swim lessons and Tattum really seems to love it and catches on quick! He loves to imitate right now by squishing up his face and making huffing and puffing noises... it is really cute! He is certainly a mommas boy as well.. he screams when I leave the room but seems to calm down pretty quickly.

As for other news we have a house!!! We are moving in on the 12th of Sep. We are really excited.. as all the boys will have their own room and we will have a guest room as well... We just have to finish the basement. So as for me I have to go pack and get ready to move! I also have to plan a Birthday party for the boys.. this year they are inviting their classmates!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

GT Cruiser!

Nice GT cruiser! Leather interior with white pinstripes... wheew styling! Hood even pops off for snacks!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Chocolate anyone..?

He stole then slept with it and well you can see what happened... mmmmmm

Sleep anywhere

Porter sleeps everywhere!!! So I wore them out.... ;)

My boys

Some where in their is Tattum.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Queen of Papillion Autism Walk athon

Check out the blog!! You will see how to doate to the walk athon as well!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I am the Queen of Papillion -- UPDATE

I have been chosen to be the Queen of Papillion!! My platform is on autism awareness.... I will have more info to follow soon! Please feel free to offer up your ideas and suggestions on how to make my platform even better!!! Thank you!
UPDATE!!! Here you go check it out!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eat your blogs out!! ;)

Got to love the new blog!!! Tell me how beautiful is it..... come on you can say it... I know I know.... It was made with love for me by my sis in law!!! Thank you Nisha!!! Isn't she talented!! I love it!!

OK OK OK Stop the e - mails!!!

Ok I will see in May if my oh so wonderful mother in law will be so kind and help me out with this...... My biggest prob I can't figure out the slide show thing and where are you all getting these cute back drops?! Uggghhh..... Ok I will try just ignore the mistakes... lol

Quick update:

Tattum is now receiving therapy from the state now like Porter does.. Yes he is 5 months old this month and still only 9lbs! No we don't know what is going on. I know it is a bit early but I am trying to feed him a jar of baby food every night to see if it helps at all. He is really just skin and bones.. but Long!!! Ask anyone who has seen him... he has the BIG feet and hands. I am told it is a Woolsey thing?! So not normal for a I feel for him every time he has shots he is so tiny that he gets welts for a week! He is also on a neb treatment up to 4 imes a day!

Porter is going to start receiving care from one of the best centers for autism in the world!! I am really excited about this. They actually want to do some of their research on him... because he has improved soo much with just mom and dad!! He is like a new child! I know Grandma and Grandpa Riggs saw a difference in him when they came out to visit! ...He is so calm and patient just a great little guy! Now sit down.. can you believe it he starts Kindergarten next year!!! "Holly cow!!!" as Porter would say! lol I am really excited for him!

Keaton this little guy I am not so sure about!! He has been my look at me mommy I am still here child! In the past week or so I have had... 2 dozen eggs cracked open in his room with cinnamon and sugar everywhere..oh yes and chocolate melted in the carpet yep!!! Oh and just in case you are not aware popcorn bags are not meant to be opened until they are popped!! ;) (no I will not be putting him into chief school anytime soon!) However he is still as loving as ever!! The phrases that come out of this kid crack me up!! He told Porter to stop screaming the other day so that mommy would give him juice.. then turned to me and said "mommy porter is REALLY REALLY thirsty he is good boy he needs juice mommy," then very seriously turned to Porter and told him "now say please mommy." So fun!

Ben is doing great and loves his job. Driving me a bit nutty. He works from 7:00 to anywhere between 5:45 to 6:30 at night and a lot of sat. too!! Not to mention they gave him a work phone.. how thoughtful! Now every time he even gets an email it goes off darn thing I am going to toss it out a window if it keeps going off all hours of the night! lol But... and it is a big BUTT ...... He planned yes he planned and called a babysitter for Vday it was great!! To bad it snowed here that day and plans had to change a lot! Just my luck..... lol But weird thing he made dinner last night... don't worry I called and made him a Dr.'s appointment.... granted it was a frozen pizza but still ..our Dr. who is also our Steak President is very concerned.. I will keep you updated!

Now I am going to talk about me yes I; myself.. lol I am watching 2 kidos of course boys... (I can't have a girl or watch one.. what's the deal?) at the present time a 2 year old and a 5 month old they really keep me busy!!! They all decided to get paint and paint my carpet and walls downstairs yes it was thoughtful.. but did it have to be red and brown and dark blue paint?! Trying to earn some extra money ... currently we are putting it into a savings account.. for trips to see family.. but Porter and Keaton do not fit into any of their summer cloths from last year...Finding great deals though on Craigslist!! Also looking for books as Porter is starting to read I forgot to mention that... He is reading!!!! Not a lot but his teacher next year has set a goal for him to read a chapter book to me within 3 weeks of the start of K next year! Well that's it for now consider yourselves caught up!! :)

Note: Congrats to my little bro Rando for graduating see you very soon bud!! Congrats to both sister in laws on soon to be new babies!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I think I am going to give up on this blog thing!!! I can't seem to figure it out lol and to be honest I am not sure how many of you really look at it anyway... I will just use my facebook more!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Hubby!

1. Where did you meet your husband? Church Dance
2. How long did you date before you married? a year plus!
3. How long have you been married? 5 years and 3 months
4. What does he do that surprises you? Not sure it surprises me I always have and always believe him but the way he can just take a new job and carer and just be so successful! And I love the way I never fill my gas tank he does it every time since we started dating!
5. What is my favorite feature on him? Hmmm maybe it's a Riggs thing... I agree I say butt! :) We will have to ask Katie see if we can get 3 out of 3 here Nish! :)
6. What is my favorite quality of his? His determination in succeeding!
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Yes Thanks for asking next....
8. What is his favorite food?He loves any of my Mexican dishes!!
9. What is his favorite sport? He loves to watch football and he does enjoy playing golf!
10. When & where was your first kiss? Mesa AZ 4 months after dating it was January 2nd we were taking a late night walk while visiting my parents

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We really enjoys going to to the Temple and wish we could go more!
12. Do you have any children? 3 Porter Andrew he is 4 Keaton Charles he is 3 and Tattum Carlson 3 months
13. Does he have any hidden talents?lol hmmmmm Lets just talk about talents; he can always make me laugh even if I am extremely mad at him!
14. How old is he? 27
15. Who said I love you first? He did.
16. What is his favorite music? country.
17. What do you admire most about him? Work ethic
18. What is his favorite color? for a vehicle red and or silver in clothing or decoration blue
19. Will he read this? Prob not
20. Who do you tag? Whoever thinks their man is great!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Feeling so grateful today!

Feeling so grateful today! I am just so happy to know that having children is a blessing in life! I am grateful to be able to carry children and to raise them. I am so grateful to know; that to have a special gift like Porter is a blessing and an honor not a burden! I am grateful for their health; and their knowledge of the savior! I love the way they pray without someone having to whisper in their ear…a prayer from them at dinner……: I thank you Jesus for mommy, daddy, my brohders (brothers) lol thank you for my food it goes in my tummy, thank you for church and my monster truck in da name of Jesus Christ Amen. Your turn! … I am grateful for their love for their scriptures what they call “my special book from Jesus!”

I am grateful for my husbands love and support of my efforts to go back to school! He has done nothing but try and support me and offer more ideas, with such pure love. I love the way he holds our baby and looks into his eyes with such love. I am grateful for the way he is trying more every day to teach and above all to learn from Porter and his wonderful gifts. I am grateful for the way he so roughly and lovingly plays with Keaton.

I am grateful for family! My mom and her efforts to love me more each day despite all my flaws! Her heart which is full of forgiveness for all the pain that I have caused inadvertently or not. I love her for not giving up! Despite the thoughts that were drilled into me I know mom you never gave up! I love you! I love the way you were there for me this past year for a heart ache I never thought would be a heartache! I always have and always will need you!

I am grateful for my Dad! My dad he is a special man! I am so grateful for the way he opened his heart and his home to me. To give me the greatest gift anyone can ever give… his name! I am so grateful that he felt in his heart to adopt me! I am grateful to be sealed in the Temple to my parents… my mom and my dad! I am grateful my children will have such an amazing Grandfather! A true roll model! I hope they grow up to be half the man you are! I love you Dad!

I am grateful for my brother!! He always knew me even when I didn’t know him! He has grown up to be a great man! I look forward to getting to know him better each day! I love you Rando!

I am grateful for my in-laws! The love and understanding they all have! First my husbands siblings. They are so great all their support through the difficult times of raising such a special child, they were always there and without judgment! Thank you for the support and babysitting! J My mother and father in law… well they are pretty great too! I am grateful for their support when we need it and when we think we don’t need it even though we do! I am grateful they still answer my daily phone calls of questions! J I am grateful for the son they raised my husband and my children’s father. Thank you for believing in us and being there for us with out judgment or fault!

To my friends: Well I am grateful to have friends who can see me for me and can be so supportive! For being their when I am crying looking for some guidance and support. I am so grateful to have some really true friends… who can see the good in me and my family! Those friends who don’t rub salt into open wounds! Instead they try to mind them and care for them! I love the way so many of you have stuck up for me and stuck by my side! I am grateful you can see over my faults and help me to be better!

Today I am grateful! I whish I can see this everyday and be grateful for what Heavenly Father has blessed me with! I am grateful the Lord has given me the gift to carry children and the gift to raise them. I am grateful for whatever it is the Lord saw in me to bless me with the honor to have a child that has autism. I am grateful Heavenly Father gave to me; a beautiful family!

Need to be uplifted?

Need to be uplifted and your heat touched? Check out this amazing your woman!! I plan on getting her CD!! What I love is this young lady is communicating through song telling how her heart feels!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Remember When?....

Remember when...........

Here are some pictures of the boys making Christmas Eve dinner pizza!!! It was fun and will definitely do it again!