To catch everyone up to date. Porter has been receiving services through a local place out here for his Autism. It has been very interesting to see how well he is responding to it all. Although his violence increased a bit to begin with, it has gotten so much better lately. With the exception of his supper long days when he is really tired. He is not sure how to express himself and lashes out a bit. We have been taught though how to safely put him in a "basket hold" which keeps him safe and everyone else safe!
Porter also started Kindergarten this year! He loves it! Every day he wants to go to school. It took him a couple of days to learn his teachers name and not call her "Ms. Kindergarten" The very first day he thought he was going home at lunch time and put up a bit of a fight. When the teachers got him in the cafeteria and gave him chocolate milk everything was ok and he was ready to stay at school.... He is loving his Mommy's lunches! I make a spongebob sandwich or a Thomas the train sub.. and many other fun things for his lunch. Apparently everyone has to come and see his lunch before he eats it...
Keaton has started Pre School. He is really enjoying his school as well. He doesn't understand why he has to wait until after lunch to go to school. I told him mommy needs his help and the smarty replied with "mommy. I am sorry I can't help you I have to go learn you need to learn to do this on your own I am going to be late!" He is a huge laugh all the time always something smart to say. The other day he wanted to eat lunch with dad I told him Dad doesn't eat until later in the day his reply "Mom... Dad can eat early for one day it won't hurt him you know!" Keaton seems to to think it is his job to feed and keep his baby brother company.... which is a huge help as long as he is gentle......
Tattum is really growing!! yeayyy..... He is 10 months old now at 14 lbs. He can sit up do a military crawl.. and say hi and bye. He recently had ear tubes put in and is really loving being able to hear everyone.... All the boys are taking swim lessons and Tattum really seems to love it and catches on quick! He loves to imitate right now by squishing up his face and making huffing and puffing noises... it is really cute! He is certainly a mommas boy as well.. he screams when I leave the room but seems to calm down pretty quickly.
As for other news we have a house!!! We are moving in on the 12th of Sep. We are really excited.. as all the boys will have their own room and we will have a guest room as well... We just have to finish the basement. So as for me I have to go pack and get ready to move! I also have to plan a Birthday party for the boys.. this year they are inviting their classmates!!