Monday, March 16, 2009

I am the Queen of Papillion -- UPDATE

I have been chosen to be the Queen of Papillion!! My platform is on autism awareness.... I will have more info to follow soon! Please feel free to offer up your ideas and suggestions on how to make my platform even better!!! Thank you!
UPDATE!!! Here you go check it out!!


Colleen said...

Congratulations! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it....I think you're going to have to explain the significance of what's going on? what's papillion? what is a fundraiser for autism or something???
But congrats! always nice to be queen for something!!!!

Riggs said...

Papillion is the city where we live. I am the Queen of our city my platform (the cause you are trying to suport or thing you are willing to donate your time and energy for) is autism… In one year I will be Eligible to be the Queen of Nebraska if I do well with my platform… I will be doing anything the Autism Society needs to me do for example in April there is a big walk athon so I will go on the news to promote it and participate in it as well anything I can do to help promote awareness and advocate for parents as well!!!